Lets work together towards a dignified and respectful menopause transition for all.


  • Menopause Cafe Logo White backgroun with graphic of a purple pheonix rising
  • Sophia Forum Logo

Collaborations and Commitments

  • We were proud to be part of the 50,000+ attendees at the UN Generation Equality event Jun 30th - 2 July 2021. We are proud Commitment makers to advancing global gender equality.

    ‘We commit to advocating for inclusive menopause initiatives, policies, projects, resources and services.’

  • Dignified Menopause is a Human Right, not a privilege.
    On 8th December 2021 this ‘little summit’ is being held to mark the auspicious day of International Dignified Menstruation and as a follow up to the Declaration and Call for Action 2020.